struct tapi_fio_app


FIO tool context. More…

#include <tapi_fio.h>

struct tapi_fio_app {
    // fields

    tapi_job_factory_t* factory;
    te_string path;
    bool running;
    tapi_job_t* job;
    tapi_job_channel_t* out_chs[2];
    tapi_fio_opts opts;
    te_vec args;

Detailed Documentation

FIO tool context. Based on tapi_perf_app


tapi_job_factory_t* factory

Factory to create the job

bool running

Path to fio tool Is the app running

tapi_job_t* job

TAPI job handle

tapi_job_channel_t* out_chs[2]

Output channel handles

tapi_fio_opts opts

Tool’s options

te_vec args

Arguments that are used when running the tool