
Full pipeline you can read from doxyrest repository

Requirement tools:

  • doxygen

  • doxyrest (>=2.0)

  • sphinx (>=1.7.0)

  • sphinx_rtd_theme


  • doc/sphinx/index.rst is main reStructuredText.

  • doc/dox_resources/images folder for custom images.

  • doc/sphinx/static/css folder for you custom css.

To add your own page, you need to put your page in RST format into doc/shpinx/pages and reference your file from the main file doc/sphinx/index.rst

To generate Sphinx documentation from scratch you need to run these commands:

cd ${TE_BASE}
export DOXYREST_PREFIX="<path-to-doxyrest>"


You can download last doxyrest release here

tar -xf doxyrest-<version>.tar.xz
export DOXYREST_PREFIX=$(pwd)/doxyrest-<version>

The documentation is generated in 3 steps:

  1. doxygen goes through ${TE_BASE} and generates documentation in xml format.

  2. doxyrest converts the xml files to rst pages.

  3. sphinx-build generates html pages based on the rst pages.

Use -e flag not to generate global namespace. Otherwise, a page containing links to all functions, enums, structs, etc. will be created, which is very time- and resource-consuming.

./gen_docs -e

If you don’t want the rst pages to be rebuild by doxygen or doxyrest, you can run the third step only using -s flag. In this case, your rst pages will remain untouched unless you change them manually. You can use the flag along with -e.

./gen_docs -s

This is equivalent to

rm -rf doc/generated/html
sphinx-build -j auto -q doc/sphinx doc/generated/html

If you just want to check the source for apparent Doxygen errors, such as misspelled keywords, dangling symbol references etc, you may use:

./gen_docs -c

It does not generate any documentation, does not run Sphinx, just prints a list of warnings to stdout.