struct tapi_perf_app


Network throughput test tool context (common for both server and client) More…

#include <tapi_performance.h>

struct tapi_perf_app {
    // fields

    tapi_perf_bench bench;
    tapi_perf_opts opts;
    const tapi_job_factory_t* factory;
    tapi_job_t* job;
    tapi_job_channel_t* out_filter;
    tapi_job_channel_t* err_filter;
    te_string stdout;
    te_string stderr;
    char* cmd;

Detailed Documentation

Network throughput test tool context (common for both server and client)


tapi_perf_bench bench

Tool’s sort

tapi_perf_opts opts

Tool’s options

const tapi_job_factory_t* factory

RPC server handle

tapi_job_t* job

Agent job control

tapi_job_channel_t* out_filter

Filters of stdout message

tapi_job_channel_t* err_filter

Filters of stderr message

te_string stdout

Buffer to save tool’s stdout message

te_string stderr

Buffer to save tool’s stderr message

char* cmd

Command line string to run the application