Packet Sniffer

The main purpose of the sniffer framework is to provide infrastructure for sniffing on the network interfaces and storing information about the packets sent/received there.

How to launch

To use the sniffer framework make sure that the three following points are performed.

Build options

To compile agents with support of the sniffer framework should be added option with-sniffers in two places. As described TA options and library options for the rcfpch library. See example:

TE_LIB_PARMS([rcfpch], [], [], [--with-sniffers], [], [], [])
TE_TA_TYPE([linux], [], [unix], [--with-sniffers=yes], [], [], [], [])

If are used a few platforms or agents types the options should be added for each agent and platform. If the TE is built with sniffer framework and some agents do not support the sniffer framework, then this agents should be built with with-sniffers=sniffers_dummy option. See example:

TE_LIB_PARMS([rcfpch], [], [], [--with-sniffers], [], [], [])
# Agent with Power Unit support, it do not support the sniffer framework.
TE_TA_TYPE([power_ctl], [], [power-ctl], [--with-tad=tad_dummy --with-sniffers=sniffers_dummy],
           [], [], [], [comm_net_agent])

TE_LIB_PARMS([rcfpch], [linux_other], [], [--with-sniffers], [], [], [])
TE_TA_TYPE([linux64], [linux_other], [unix], [--with-sniffers=yes], [], [], [], [])

Logger config

The Logger config file has mandatory part. This is mandatory, even if you do not use the sniffer framework (due to the design of the framework). The part contains default and user settings for sniffer polling process. A more detailed description of the Logger configurations see below in the Logger settings Logger settings section.

Configurator objects subtree

Config file of the Configurator should contains the following objects subtrees:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings" access="read_only" type="none"/>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings/enable" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings/filter_exp_str" access="read_write" type="string"/>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings/filter_exp_file" access="read_write" type="string"/>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings/snaplen" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings/tmp_logs" access="read_only" type="none"/>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings/tmp_logs/path" access="read_write" type="string"/>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings/tmp_logs/file_size" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings/tmp_logs/total_size" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings/tmp_logs/rotation" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/sniffer_settings/tmp_logs/overfill_meth" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/interface/sniffer" access="read_create" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/interface/sniffer/enable" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/interface/sniffer/filter_exp_str" access="read_write" type="string"/>
    <object oid="/agent/interface/sniffer/filter_exp_file" access="read_write" type="string"/>
    <object oid="/agent/interface/sniffer/snaplen" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/interface/sniffer/tmp_logs" access="read_only" type="none"/>
    <object oid="/agent/interface/sniffer/tmp_logs/sniffer_space" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/interface/sniffer/tmp_logs/file_size" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/interface/sniffer/tmp_logs/rotation" access="read_write" type="integer"/>
    <object oid="/agent/interface/sniffer/tmp_logs/overfill_meth" access="read_write" type="integer"/>

After each launch of the TE, automatically generates a file cs.conf.sniffer. That is used to launch sniffers configured by the Dispatcher options. If there is no sniffers launched by Dispatcher, then the file will contains only xml header and the open/close history tags.

Simple use cases

Sniffer can be started by few ways. Here some examples to launch sniffer. By default all capture logs location is TE_LOG_DIR/caps. A detailed description about setting up and running sniffers see below in the respective sections.

  • Example to start the sniffer on the agent Agt_B for interface eth0 using the Dispatcher options:

    ./ --sniff=Agt_B/eth0
  • It is possible to setup the started sniffer from cli. Now the sniffer will be have name clisniff and filter expression “ip and udp”:

    ./ --sniff=Agt_B/eth0 --sniff-name=clisniff --sniff-filter="ip and udp"
  • To add and launch a sniffer from Configurator, should to describe the sniffer in the conf file of Configurator. There must be added the sniffer instance. To launch the sniffer enable field in the sniffer subtree should be set to 1. The example to add and launch the sniffer on the agent Agt_A for interface lo with name mysniffer :

      <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/interface:lo/sniffer:mysniffer" value="0"/>
      <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/interface:lo/sniffer:mysniffer/enable:" value="1"/>
  • It is possible to start a sniffer from Test API. The example demonstrates how to add/del a new sniffer with name newsniffer for agent Agt_B on the interface lo. The sniffer will be use the filter expression “<b>ip and udp</b>” and overfill handle method for temporary files - rotation.

    #include "tapi_sniffer.h"
    tapi_sniffer_id    *snif;
    snif = tapi_sniffer_add("Agt_B", "lo", "newsniffer", "ip and udp", 0);


Configurations of sniffer framework divided on two main parts. A first part is worked on the agent side. It includes options responsible to add and configuration of sniffer processes. The management performed via the Configurator. There are few ways to create and configure sniffers. This can be done via the command line of Dispatcher, via the config file of Configurator or directly from a test application using TAPI. The second part of the framework is worked on the TEN side in the Logger subsystem. It performs collect of logs from all sniffers. Setting of this part happens at start of the Logger. Configuration for it can be passed by means of a configuration file or using command line options of the Dispatcher. By default capture logs location is TE_LOG_DIR/caps.

Command line options for Dispatcher

Additional command line options for are supported. It is possible to add sniffers and set their settings by command line options. The same settings of the Logger can be changed here.




Do not feed the sniffer configuration file to Configurator.


Run sniffer on iface of the TA.


Add the filter for the sniffer (tcpdump-like syntax). See man 7 pcap-filter.


Add a human-readable name for the sniffer.


Add a restriction on maximum number of bytes to capture for one packet for the sniffer. By default: unlimited.


Add a restriction on maximum overall size of temporary files in Mb for the sniffer. By default: 64Mb.


Add a restriction on maximum size of one temporary file in Mb for the sniffer. By default: 16Mb.


Add a restriction on number of temporary files for the sniffer. This option is excluded by the –sniff-ta-log-ofill-drop option. By default: 4.


Change overfill handle method of temporary files for the sniffer to tail drop. By default overfill handle method is rotation.


Path to the TEN side capture files. By default: TE_LOG_DIR/caps.

–sniff-log-name <pattern>

TEN side log file naming pattern, the following format specifiers are supported:

  • %a : agent name

  • %u : user name

  • %i : interface name

  • %s : sniffer name

  • %n : sniffer session sequence number

By default: %a_%i_%s_%n.


Maximum TEN side logs cumulative size for one sniffer in MB. By default: 256 Mb.


Maximum TEN side capture file size for each sniffer in MB. By default: 64 Mb.


Change overfill handle method to tail drop. By default overfill handle method is rotation.


Period of taking logs from agents in milliseconds. By default: 200 msec.


Disable capture logs conversion and merge with the main log.

Example how to add and configure a sniffer:

./ --sniff=Agt_B/eth0 --sniff-filter="ip and udp" --sniff-name=clisniff
--sniff-snaplen=500 --sniff-space=300 --sniff-fsize=3 --sniff-rotation=3

Example how to configure TEN side capture logs polling settings and location:

./ --sniff-log-name=%n_%i_%s_%a --sniff-log-size=500
--sniff-log-fsize=100 --sniff-log-period=150 --sniff-log-dir=/tmp

If are you launch the sniffers by the command line options for an interfaces, should be sure that the interfaces are configuring, while Configurator processing the conf files. Otherwise, if the interfaces are configured later, for example in the prolog, should to use command line option sniff-not-feed-conf to configure and launch the sniffers later. To activate sniffers configurations at the right time can be used the confapi. Use the following code to launch command line sniffers when it is needed (e.g. in prolog):

char *te_sniff_csconf = getenv("TE_SNIFF_CSCONF");
if (te_sniff_csconf != NULL)
    CHECK_RC(cfg_process_history(te_sniff_csconf, NULL));


Environment TE_SNIFF_TSHARK_OPTS can be used to pass arbitrary options to tshark utility. tshark is used for processing binary capture, so its options can influence to printed in logs data.

For example, the following option can be used to print absolute TCP sequence and ACK numbers instead of relative (by default):

TE_SNIFF_TSHARK_OPTS="-o tcp.relative_sequence_numbers:FALSE"

Logger settings

Polling process and result capture logs location is configured by XML file. By default used logger.conf from the conf/ directory, but config file path may be changed by Dispatcher command line option conf-logger=<filename>. The same from command line may be changed other settings of Logger. The command line options have a higher priority. Settings described in the table below.

Setting name



TEN side log file naming pattern, the following format specifies are supported:

  • %a : agent name

  • %u : user name

  • %i : interface name

  • %s : sniffer name

  • %n : sniffer session sequence number

By default: %a_%i_%s_%n.


Path to the TEN side capture file. By default: TE_LOG_DIR/caps.


Max file size for one sniffer in Mb. By default: 64 Mb.


Max total capture files size for one sniffer in Mb. By default: 256 Mb.


Rotate logger side temporary logs across x files for each sniffer.


Max total files size for all sniffers in Mb (Is not supported now). By default: unlimited.


Overfill handle method:

  • 0 - rotation(default)

  • 1 - tail drop.


Period of taken logs from agents in milliseconds. By default: 200 msec.

Configuration file contains the set of default settings and set of user setting. Example of user settings setup is below.

     <snif_fname value="%a_%i_%n_%s"/>
     <snif_path value="/home/andrey/work/trunk/caps"/>
     <snif_max_fsize value="250"/>
     <snif_space value="500"/>
     <snif_rotation value="0"/>
     <snif_overall_size value="40"/>
     <snif_ovefill_meth value="0"/>
     <snif_period value="150"/>

Configurator trees

Two configuration subtrees are added to the agent configuration model. Generic configuration subtree /agent/sniffer_settings/ which represents agent-wide sniffer configuration. Sniffers uses some of these fields by default if the value to them is not defined personally.




Sniffer object.


Enable the sniffer settings lock.


Filter expression string, by default: empty.


Filter file contains expression tcpdump-like filter syntax.


Maximum packet capture size for all sniffers. By default: unlimited.


Dump files settings.


Path to temporary capture files.


Max total capture files size for all agent sniffers in Mb. By default 256 Mb.


Max capture file size in Mb, by default 16 Mb.


Rotate agent side temporary logs across By default: x = 4.


Overfill handle method:

  • 0 - rotation(default)

  • 1 - tail drop.

Example of subtree:

  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/sniffer_settings:/filter_exp_str:" value=""/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/sniffer_settings:/snaplen:" value="300"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/sniffer_settings:/tmp_logs:/file_size:" value="5"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/sniffer_settings:/tmp_logs:/path:" value="tmp/"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/sniffer_settings:/tmp_logs:/total_size:" value="3"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/sniffer_settings:/tmp_logs:/rotation:" value="4"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/sniffer_settings:/tmp_logs:/overfill_meth:" value="0"/>

Plus a per-interface /agent/interface/sniffer/ subtree which is responsible for configuration of a specific sniffer instances is added. Each sniffer instance in the configurato subtree has a sniffer name which is by design (cause it’s a name of the object instance) uniq across the interface.




Sniffer name contains read only value of ssn.


Enable the sniffer.


Filter expression string, by default: empty.


Filter file contains expression tcpdump-like filter syntax.


Maximum packet capture size in bytes, by default unlimited.


Dump files settings subtree.


Max total dump files size for the sniffer in Mb. By default: 64 Mb.


Max capture file size in Mb By default: 16 Mb.


Rotate agent side temporary logs across x files. By default: x = 4.


Overfill handle method:

  • 0 - rotation(default)

  • 1 - tail drop.

Example of subtree:

  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/interface:lo/sniffer:mysniffer" value="0"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/interface:lo/sniffer:mysniffer/filter_exp_str:"
                value="ip or udp or tcp"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/interface:lo/sniffer:mysniffer/snaplen:" value="300"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/interface:lo/sniffer:mysniffer/tmp_logs:/sniffer_space:" value="6"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/interface:lo/sniffer:mysniffer/tmp_logs:/file_size:" value="2"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/interface:lo/sniffer:mysniffer/tmp_logs:/rotation:" value="3"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/interface:lo/sniffer:mysniffer/tmp_logs:/overfill_meth:" value="1"/>
  <instance oid="/agent:Agt_A/interface:lo/sniffer:mysniffer/enable:" value="1"/>
  • If the same settings declarated in both subtrees (file_size, overfill_type, snaplen), use the one that declarated in the interface subtree.

  • sniffer_space, file_size and rotation are restricting the parameters. By default this parameters means that sniffer capture files can take no more than 64Mb space on the disk, size of the one file can not exceed 16 Mb and can be created not more than 4 files.

Sniffer Test API

The Test API provides ability add/remove sniffers, suspend/resume the work of sniffers, insert mark packets to logs. It is possible to manage of sniffers via Configurator TAPI. Note, during the sniffer is working, its settings cannot be changed. The complete list and detailed description functions of Test API you can find in lib/tapi/tapi_sniffer.h file.

The example below demonstrates how to add a new sniffer with name newsniffer for agent Agt_B on the interface lo. The sniffer will be use the filter expression “ip and udp” and overfill handle method for temporary files - rotation. After starting the sniffer is called a request to insert a marker packet. Then the work of the sniffer is suspended and renewable. And at the end the sniffer is removed.

#include "tapi_sniffer.h"

tapi_sniffer_id    *snif;

snif = tapi_sniffer_add("Agt_B", "lo", "newsniffer", "ip", true); /* Add new sniffer */
tapi_sniffer_mark(NULL, snif, "My first marker packet.");         /* Insert marker packet */
tapi_sniffer_stop(snif);                                          /* Suspend the sniffer work*/
tapi_sniffer_start(snif);                                         /* Renew the sniffer work */
tapi_sniffer_del(snif)                                            /* Delete the sniffer */