struct tad_bps_pkt_frag


Binary protocol packet fragment field description. More…

#include <tad_bps.h>

struct tad_bps_pkt_frag {
    // fields

    const char* name;
    unsigned int len;
    asn_tag_value tag;
    asn_tag_value tag_tx_def;
    asn_tag_value tag_rx_def;
    uint32_t value;
    tad_du_type_t plain_du;
    bool force_read;

Detailed Documentation

Binary protocol packet fragment field description.


const char* name

Name of the field in PDU NDS

unsigned int len

Length of the field in bits (0 means variable length)

asn_tag_value tag

ASN.1 tag of the field in header

asn_tag_value tag_tx_def

ASN.1 tag of the field in CSAP parameters default for sending

asn_tag_value tag_rx_def

ASN.1 tag of the field in CSAP parameters default for receiving

uint32_t value

Constant value

tad_du_type_t plain_du

Type of plain data unit

bool force_read

Force to read from binary packet in any case