struct rgt_xml2multi_opts


Storage for parsed command line options More…

#include <xml2multi_common.h>

struct rgt_xml2multi_opts {
    // fields

    char* shared_url;
    char* docs_url;
    bool depth_seq_names;
    bool index_only;
    bool single_node_match;
    rgt_match_type match_type;
    char* match_id;
    uint32_t match_depth;
    uint32_t match_seq;
    bool page_selector_set;
    uint32_t cur_page;
    uint32_t pages_count;

Detailed Documentation

Storage for parsed command line options


char* shared_url

URL for common files (images, styles etc.). If this value is NULL, all of the files are copied from the tool installation directory to report output directory.

char* docs_url

Base URL for doxygen-generated documentation for tests

bool depth_seq_names

Name all files by depth and sequence numbers in tree, including test iteration nodes. If this is turned off, then test iteration nodes will be named by node ID. If this is turned on, references to logs files in TRC report will be broken.

bool index_only

If true, output HTML index files only

bool single_node_match

If true, output log only for specified log node

rgt_match_type match_type

How a single log node was specified

char* match_id

ID of log node

uint32_t match_depth

Depth of log node

uint32_t match_seq

Sequential number of log node

bool page_selector_set

Output page selector allowing to select page of large HTML log

uint32_t cur_page

Current page number

uint32_t pages_count

Total pages count