Test Results Comparator


Test Environment allows to create structured test harnesses with parametrized test packages and scripts.

Behaviour of tests and testing results may differ for different conditions: versions of tested product, operating system or NUTs. Usually it is not an option to adapt a test to different conditions, since it will significantly complicate the test and may lead to endless updates of the tests to newly arising conditions.

However, to track regressions in the tested product and find out differences in product behaviour in different conditions, it is necessary to know which test verdicts are expected for specified version/conditions and which are not.

Testing Results Comparator (TRC) tool provides an interface to a database of the expected test results for the product. It allows to:

  • update the database according to obtained test results;

  • obtain the report with the list of unexpected results;

  • associate addtional information (like bug IDs) with the test record in the DB.

Tool execution

TRC is invoked automatically at the end of dispatcher.sh execution or manually with the trc.sh script located in the test suite.

In both cases it will produce report like below:

Run (total)                            2616
  Passed, as expected                  2456
  Failed, as expected                    97
  Passed unexpectedly                    45
  Failed unexpectedly                    18
  Aborted (no useful result)              0
  New (expected result is not known)      0
Not Run (total)                       13725
  Skipped, as expected                    0
  Skipped unexpectedly                    0

Result explanation

Run(total) Total number of iterations executed. Passed, as expected Number of tests which were expected to pass and passed Failed, as expected Number of tests which were expected to pass and passed Passed unexpectedly Number of tests which were not expected to pass but passed. For instance because the bug got fixed and TRC was not udpated. Or because certain SW version has a known problem. Failed unexpectedly Number of tests which were not expected to fail but failed. The usual failures Aborted Will appear if test was kiled with Ctrl-C or by a signal; tests which died of SEGFAULT signal are also considered as aborted. Not Run (total) Total number of iterations which were not executed. This one makes sence only if TRC DB contains Skipped as expected The tests were skipped as we expected. In the below example TRC is not filled properly so Not Run is not a sum of expected and unexpected counters. Skipped unexpectedly The test was expected to execute in given conditions but it did not. ==================== ==============================================================================================================================================================================

The skipped section

Runtime results comparison

If te_tester is built without (–without-trc) flag (default behaviour) then it will perform run-time results comparison.

To disable te_tester integration with TRC add

TE_APP_PARMS([tester], [--without-trc])

into builder.conf, see TE_APP_PARMS for details.

When running te_tester which was built with enabled runtime TRC support the usual output:

Starting package arp
Starting test prologue                                               PASSED
Starting test arp_remove                                             PASSED
Starting test arp_change                                             PASSED
Starting test stale_entry                                            PASSED
Starting test stale_entry                                            FAILED
Done package arp PASSED

is replaced with:

Starting package arp
Starting test prologue                                               pass
Starting test arp_remove                                             PASSED?
Starting test arp_change                                             pass
Starting test stale_entry                                            pass
Starting test stale_entry                                            fail
Done package arp pass


  • pass means that test expectedly passed;

  • PASSED? and FAILED? mean that test passed or failed but there is no expectation for it in the TRC database;

  • fail means that test expectedly failed.

And in the text log after test completion Tester will add Obtained and Expected resutls.

RING Tester Run 23:13:39 743 ms
Obtained result is:
Expected results are:


Every test can be executed in various conditions:

  • different HW;

  • different SW (version or instance);

  • different configuration of the SW/HW under test;

  • and many others.

The expected behaviou may differ depending on all these factors. So for proper judgement of the result TRC should be given the description of the conditions in which the test was executed.

For instance if the test validates a cross-platform application or library the expected behaviour may differ depending on the operating system. So on one OS the test will pass and on another it will fail in a certain manner. And both results are expected and acceptable.

To describe the conditions in which the test (or tests) was executed TRC is given a number of tags. The tags can either be passed to the dispatcher.sh or can be passed directly to the TRC tool.

In the first case dispatcher.sh will include full list of tags into the log (RING message with Entity=Dispatcher and User=TRC tags). TRC is capable of parsing the log and finding the tags list; so when asked to produce a report basing on the log file it will (if not asked the oposite with –ignore-log-tags option) take them into account.

Explicit tags are passed to the TRC tool via –tag=mytag option.

Todo Other TRC options description.

TRC Database


TRC database is an XML file with pretty simple syntax. XSD for it can be found at doc/xsd/trc_db.xsd.

The file is usually located in the conf/ directory in the suite. You can explicitly pass the path to the database with the –db option.

Below are some examples of the syntax features.

Simple entry

<test name="mytest" type="script">
  <objective>Check this freaking functionality.</objective>
  <iter result="PASSED">
    <arg name="env">VAR.iut_only</arg>


If certain test is expected to fail if tag mytag is present you can write:

<iter result="PASSED">
  <arg name="arg">foobar</arg>
  <results tags="mytag">
    <result value="FAILED"/>

In general this is a bad way to describe the failure. Because it’s unnatural for the test to fail in a random manner. Usually you expect the test to fail in exact way and you want to know if the test fails differently. See the next example for the way to describe such condition.

TRC supports logical expressions in the tags section, so the following examples are valid:

<results tags="linux&amp;x86">
  <result value="FAILED"/>
<results tags="!freebsd|!windows">
  <result value="FAILED"/>

Tags are passed to the TRC tool as –tag=mytag meaning that the run should be compared against expected results for the tag mytag. For example –tag=linux means that we’re running on linux. And –tag=!linux means that we’re not.


Imagine that the test foobar is expected to fail because of socket creation failure. Then one can write:

<iter result="PASSED">
  <arg name="arg">foobar</arg>
  <results tags="mytag">
    <result value="FAILED">
      <verdict>Failed to create a socket, errno=EPERM</verdict>

Verdict is a special message which test produces during it’s execution. It can be just before failure or at the middle. It’s produced with TEST_VERDICT() call.

Tags Comparison

<iter result="PASSED">
  <arg name="arg">foobar</arg>
  <!-- Below it's written that (num>5)&(val<=3) -->
  <results tags="(num&gt;5)&amp;(val&lt;=3)">
    <result value="FAILED">
      <verdict>Failed to do something at certain step</verdict>

The above code specifies certain conditions in which the test is expected to fail. To be specific ‘(num >= 5) and (val < 3)’. Special characters must be escaped.

Values are passed to the trc tool (or trc.sh wrapper script} as –tag=num:3. TRC supports only numeric tag values.

Supported operators are ( operator : representation):

  • > : &gt;

  • < : &lt;

  • <= : &lt;=

  • >= : &gt;=

  • = : =


<iter result="PASSED">
  <arg name="arg">foobar</arg>
  <results tags="mytag&amp;some_other_tag" key="OL 239">
    <result value="FAILED">
      <verdict>Failed to do something at certain step</verdict>

If during test behaviour investigation or development a bug to track the failure was created - it should be added as a ‘key’ to the TRC database result. Each project has it’s own agreement on keys syntax and semantics; from the TRC point of view it’s an arbitrary string.


<iter result="PASSED">
  <arg name="arg">foobar</arg>
  <results tags="mytag&amp;some_other_tag" key="WONTFIX" notes="This is a known system behaviour">
    <result value="FAILED">
      <verdict>Failed to do something at certain step</verdict>

Notes attribute provides a way to describe the reasons or aspects of the result. This is extremely useful when you’re dealing with so-called features of the product which often have WONTFIX key. It’s also worth noting if the result is unstable.


TRC database supports wildcard entries. If parameter value is ommited:

<iter result="PASSED">
  <arg name="sock_type"/>
  <results tags="linux" notes="Test fails because of a known system bug" key="WONTFIX">
    <result value="FAILED"/>

then the entry describes expected results for all iterations of the test with particular parameter. In the above example for all types of socket the test will fail because of a known system bug.

Database navigation tips

As the database may be huge and contain several thousands of tests there exists a simple search mechanism.

Every iteration in the TRC database is identified by it’s arguments and their values.

TRC tool is capable of searching the iteration by either parameter name/value pair or MD5 hash calculated from the set of iteration parameters and their values

./trc.sh --search --test=<test> --hash=<MD5hash>
./trc.sh --search --test=<test> --params <param1> <value1> [param2 value2]...

Sure there is no need to calculate the MD5 hash manually. It’s printed in the log right in the beginning of the test

Database update

Todo Add information about trc_update utility.