struct tad_pkt


TAD packet control block. More…

#include <tad_pkt.h>

struct tad_pkt {
    // fields

    tad_pkt_segs segs;
    unsigned int n_segs;
    size_t segs_len;
    tad_pkt_ctrl_free my_free;
    void* opaque;
    tad_pkt_ctrl_free opaque_free;

    // methods


Detailed Documentation

TAD packet control block.

Circular queue is used to have possibility to insert element in head and tail and to traverse packets in both directions.


tad_pkt_segs segs

Packet segments

unsigned int n_segs

Number of segments in the packet

size_t segs_len

Total length of all segments in the packet

tad_pkt_ctrl_free my_free

Function to free this control block

void* opaque

Attached opaque data

tad_pkt_ctrl_free opaque_free

Function to free opaque data



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