struct te_buf_pattern


Compiled buffer fill pattern. More…

#include <te_bufs.h>

struct te_buf_pattern {
    // fields

    uint8_t* start;
    uint8_t* end;
    uint8_t* repeat;
    uint8_t* suffix;
    size_t suffix_len;

Detailed Documentation

Compiled buffer fill pattern.

The structure should be treated as opaque and only filled by te_compile_buf_pattern().

The compiled pattern is a sequence of “possible bytes”, where each “possible byte” is a number followed by that many byte values. If the number is zero, any byte is possible at that position.


uint8_t* start

Start of the pattern bytes.

uint8_t* end

End of the pattern bytes.

uint8_t* repeat

Repeating part of the pattern bytes.

uint8_t* suffix

Suffix part of the pattern bytes.

size_t suffix_len

Number of bytes generated by suffix.