struct tsa_packets_counter


Context to count packets in processing in the packet handler function. More…

#include <tapi_tcp_states.h>

struct tsa_packets_counter {
    // fields

    int count;
    int ack;
    int syn;
    int syn_ack;
    int fin_ack;
    int push_ack;
    int push_fin_ack;
    int rst_ack;
    int rst;
    int other;

Detailed Documentation

Context to count packets in processing in the packet handler function.


int count

Total packets counter

int ack

ACK packets number

int syn

SYN packets number

int syn_ack

SYN-ACK packets number

int fin_ack

FIN-ACK packets number

int push_ack

PSH-ACK packets number

int push_fin_ack

PSH-FIN-ACK packets number

int rst_ack

RST-ACK packets number

int rst

RST packets number

int other

Other packets number