struct te_json_ctx_t


The context for JSON serialization. More…

#include <te_json.h>

struct te_json_ctx_t {
    // fields

    te_json_out_loc_t out_loc;
    te_json_out_t out_type;
    te_json_level_t nesting[TE_JSON_MAX_NEST];
    size_t current_level;

Detailed Documentation

The context for JSON serialization.

While the structure is declared public to make on-stack variables possible, it shall be treated as an opaque and only initialized with TE_JSON_INIT_STR() and then passed to the API from this group.


te_json_out_loc_t out_loc

where to write JSON

te_json_out_t out_type

type of output destination

te_json_level_t nesting[TE_JSON_MAX_NEST]

stack of nested JSON compounds

size_t current_level

current nesting depth