struct te_intset_ops


A description of a specific intset type. More…

#include <te_intset.h>

struct te_intset_ops {
    // fields

    void(* clear)(void *val);
    void(* set)(int v, void *val);
    void(* unset)(int v, void *val);
    bool(* check)(int v, const void *val);

Detailed Documentation

A description of a specific intset type.


void(* clear)(void *val)

Method to remove all elements from the set val.

void(* set)(int v, void *val)

Method to add an integer v to the set val.

void(* unset)(int v, void *val)

Method to remove an integer v from the set val.

bool(* check)(int v, const void *val)

Method to check whether v is in val.