struct tapi_wrk_report


Statistics report of wrk More…

#include <tapi_wrk.h>

struct tapi_wrk_report {
    // fields

    tapi_wrk_thread_stats thread_latency;
    tapi_wrk_thread_stats thread_req_per_sec;
    tapi_wrk_latency_percentile lat_distr[TAPI_WRK_LATENCY_DISTR_ENTRIES];
    unsigned int req_count;
    double req_per_sec;
    double bps;
    unsigned int unexpected_resp;
    tapi_wrk_socket_errors socket_errors;
    char* arguments;
    char* truncated_arguments;

Detailed Documentation

Statistics report of wrk


tapi_wrk_thread_stats thread_latency

Latency in microseconds (for each thread)

tapi_wrk_thread_stats thread_req_per_sec

Requests per second (for each thread)

tapi_wrk_latency_percentile lat_distr[TAPI_WRK_LATENCY_DISTR_ENTRIES]

Latency distribution

unsigned int req_count

Total requests count

double req_per_sec

Requests per second

double bps

Bytes per second

unsigned int unexpected_resp

Non-2xx or 3xx responses

tapi_wrk_socket_errors socket_errors

Socket errors

char* arguments

Wrk arguments used

char* truncated_arguments

Truncated wrk arguments