struct tapi_wrk_opt


wrk tool specific command line options More…

#include <tapi_wrk.h>

struct tapi_wrk_opt {
    // fields

    te_log_level stdout_log_level;
    te_log_level stderr_log_level;
    unsigned int connections;
    unsigned int n_threads;
    unsigned int duration_s;
    unsigned int timeout_ms;
    const char* script_content;
    const char* script_path;
    size_t n_script_args;
    const char* script_args[TAPI_WRK_SCRIPT_ARGS_MAX];
    size_t n_headers;
    const char* headers[TAPI_WRK_HEADERS_MAX];
    bool latency;
    const char* host;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t rate;
    const char* affinity;

Detailed Documentation

wrk tool specific command line options


te_log_level stdout_log_level

Standard output logging level (default is TE_LL_RING).

te_log_level stderr_log_level

Standard error logging level (default is TE_LL_ERROR).

unsigned int connections

Number of connections to keep open

unsigned int n_threads

Number of threads to use

unsigned int duration_s

Duration of test in seconds

unsigned int timeout_ms

Socket/request timeout in milliseconds

const char* script_content

Load Lua script file. The file is created in TA only if script content is not NULL.

const char* script_path

The file path is auto-generated only if the path is NULL AND script_content is not NULL.

size_t n_script_args

Number of actual arguments in script_args.

const char* script_args[TAPI_WRK_SCRIPT_ARGS_MAX]

Script arguments.

size_t n_headers

Number of actual headers in headers

const char* headers[TAPI_WRK_HEADERS_MAX]

Request headers in “Name: Value” format (note the space).

bool latency

Print latency statistics

const char* host

Host to connect to

tapi_job_opt_uint_t rate

wrk2: work rate (throughput) in requests/sec (total).

const char* affinity

wrk2/patched: affinity list (for example 0,2,4,6).