struct tapi_upnp_argument


UPnP action argument parameters. More…

#include <tapi_upnp_service_info.h>

struct tapi_upnp_argument {
    // fields

    const char* name;
    te_upnp_arg_direction direction;
    tapi_upnp_state_variable* variable;
    char* value;

    // methods


Detailed Documentation

UPnP action argument parameters. Note! The only changable field is value. It can be set by user to specify a value or read to get the value after an action execution, other data is filled when service context is retrieved.


tapi_upnp_state_variable* variable

Pointer to appropriate item in variables list (See tapi_upnp_service_info).

char* value

IN/OUT value, set NULL to left the variable unspecified.