struct tapi_trex_opt


Specific TRex options. More…

#include <tapi_trex.h>

struct tapi_trex_opt {
    // fields

    te_log_level stdout_log_level;
    te_log_level stderr_log_level;
    bool astf_server_only;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t n_threads;
    bool tso_disable;
    bool lro_disable;
    tapi_job_opt_double_t duration;
    bool asymmetric_traffic_flow;
    bool use_hdr_histograms;
    bool ipv6;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t rate_multiplier;
    bool force_close_at_end;
    bool enable_flow_control;
    bool no_watchdog;
    bool use_realtime_prio;
    bool no_monitors;
    bool dont_resend_pkts;
    bool use_sleep;
    tapi_trex_verbose_t verbose;
    tapi_trex_iom_t iom;
    tapi_trex_so_t so;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t init_wait_sec;
    const char* instance_prefix;
    tapi_trex_client_config** clients;
    tapi_trex_server_config** servers;
    const char* cfg_template;
    const te_kvpair_h* astf_vars;
    const char* driver;
    const char* astf_template;
    const char* trex_exec;

Detailed Documentation

Specific TRex options.

Before starting tapi_trex it is necessary to initialize its options tapi_trex_opt and call tapi_trex_create() to create configuration files and properly bind PCI functions (if DPDK is used).

Base tapi_trex_opt example:

tapi_trex_opt trex_opt = tapi_trex_default_opt;

trex_opt.astf_template = getenv("TE_TREX_ASTF_TEMPLATE");
trex_opt.trex_exec = getenv("TE_TREX_EXEC");
trex_opt.force_close_at_end = true;
trex_opt.no_monitors = true;
trex_opt.lro_disable = true;

// Setup servers
trex_opt.servers = TAPI_TREX_SERVERS(
       .common.interface = TAPI_TREX_PCI_BY_IFACE("Agt_A", "eth0"),
       .common.ip = agtA_addr, = agtB_addr,
       .common.ip_range_beg = agtA_addr,
       .common.ip_range_end = agtA_addr,
       .common.payload = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
               "Content-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n"
               "Content-Length: 18\r\n\r\n<html>Hello</html>"

// Setup clients
trex_opt.clients = ...;


te_log_level stdout_log_level

Standard output logging level (default is TE_LL_RING).

te_log_level stderr_log_level

Standard error logging level (default is TE_LL_WARN).

bool astf_server_only

If set, only server side ports (e.g. 1, 3 and etc.) are enabled with ASTF service. Traffic won’t be transmitted on clients ports.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t n_threads

Number of hardware threads to allocate for each port pair. Overrides the 'c' argument from config file.

bool tso_disable

If set, disable TSO (advanced TCP mode).

bool lro_disable

If set, disable LRO (advanced TCP mode).

tapi_job_opt_double_t duration

Duration of the test, in seconds.

See also:

tapi_trex_opt::force_close_at_end option.

bool asymmetric_traffic_flow

If set, each flow will be sent both from client to server and server to client. It can achieve better port utilization when flow traffic is asymmetric.

bool use_hdr_histograms

If set, report latency using high dynamic range histograms.

bool ipv6

If set, work in IPv6 mode.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t rate_multiplier

Rate multiplier. Multiply basic rate of templates by this number.

bool force_close_at_end

If set, won’t wait for all flows to be closed, before terminating.

bool enable_flow_control

If set, enable flow-control. By default TRex disables flow-control. If this option is given, it does not touch it

bool no_watchdog

If set, disable watchdog.

bool use_realtime_prio

If set, run TRex DP/RX cores in realtime priority.

bool no_monitors

If set, disable monitors publishers.

bool dont_resend_pkts

If set, don’t retry to send packets on failure (queue full etc.).

bool use_sleep

If set, use sleeps instead of busy wait in scheduler. Less accurate, more power saving.

tapi_trex_verbose_t verbose

The higher the value, print more debug information.

tapi_trex_iom_t iom

IO mode for server output.

tapi_trex_so_t so

Activate one of the *-so options.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t init_wait_sec

Wait a few seconds between init of interfaces and sending traffic.

const char* instance_prefix

For running multi TRex instances on the same machine. Each instance should have different name.

tapi_trex_client_config** clients

TRex client configurations list. Like tapi_trex_client_config* []. Should end with NULL.

tapi_trex_server_config** servers

TRex server configurations list. Like tapi_trex_server_config* []. Should end with NULL.

const char* cfg_template

TRex configuration template.

If NULL, the template from this example will be used:

- port_limit      : ${#IFACES}\n"
  version         : 2\n"
  interfaces: [${IFACES[, ]}]\n"
${PORTINFO_IP*    - ip${COLON} ${PORTINFO_IP[${}]}\n"
      default_gw${COLON} ${PORTINFO_DEFAULT_GW[${}]}\n}"
${PORTINFO_DST_MAC*    - dest_mac${COLON} ${PORTINFO_DST_MAC[${}]}\n"
      src_mac${COLON} ${PORTINFO_SRC_MAC[${}]}\n}";
const te_kvpair_h* astf_vars

Extensions for tapi_trex_opt::astf_template. You can replace some fields with TAPI TRex environment variables.

The following field names are currently reserved and it’s not recommended to use them in this option:












See also:


const char* driver

Driver name for DPDK binding. Should be NULL if interface is already bound.

const char* astf_template

TRex ASTF template.

Now TAPI TRex supports only JSON profile templates. To create JSON profile template you need to use existing Python traffic profile and use this command to see JSON profile:

./astf-sim -f <your_profile>.py --json


./astf-sim -f astf/ --json

Use this JSON profile to create TAPI TRex ASTF template (tapi_trex_opt::astf_template). You can replace some fields with TAPI TRex environment variables using tapi_trex_opt::extensions.

Fields usage see te_string_expand_kvpairs for more details.

Example of JSON profile template:

   "buf_list": [

   "ip_gen_dist_list": [
           "ip_start": "${CLIENT_IP_START[0]:-}",
           "ip_end": "${CLIENT_IP_END[0]:-}",
           "distribution": "seq",
           "dir": "c",
           "ip_offset": "${CLIENT_IP_OFFSET[0]:-}"
           "ip_start": "${SERVER_IP_START[0]:-}",
           "ip_end": "${SERVER_IP_END[0]:-}",
           "distribution": "seq",
           "dir": "s",
           "ip_offset": "${SERVER_IP_OFFSET[0]:-}"

   "program_list": [
           "commands": [
                   "name": "connect"
                   "name": "tx",
                   "buf_index": 0
                   "name": "rx",
                   "min_bytes": 10
                   "name": "delay",
                   "usec": 1000
           "commands": [
                   "name": "connect"
                   "name": "rx",
                   "min_bytes": 10
                   "name": "tx",
                   "buf_index": 1

   "templates": [
           "client_template": {
               "program_index": 0,
               "ip_gen": {

                   "dist_client": {
                       "index": 0

                   "dist_server": {
                       "index": 1

               "cluster": {},
               "port": ${CLIENT_IP_PORT[0]:-80},
               "cps": 1

           "server_template": {
               "program_index": 1,
               "assoc": [
                       "port": ${SERVER_IP_PORT[0]:-80}

   "tg_names": []

See also:


const char* trex_exec

Full path to TRex exec (should not be NULL). The directory with TRex exec should also contain "astf_schema.json".