struct tapi_sfnt_pp_opt


sfnt-pingping tool specific command line options More…

#include <tapi_sfnt_pingpong.h>

struct tapi_sfnt_pp_opt {
    // fields

    const struct sockaddr* server;
    uint8_t proto;
    sa_family_t ipversion;
    int min_msg;
    int max_msg;
    int min_ms;
    int max_ms;
    int min_iter;
    int max_iter;
    bool spin;
    tapi_sfnt_pp_muxer muxer;
    int timeout_ms;
    te_vec* sizes;

Detailed Documentation

sfnt-pingping tool specific command line options


const struct sockaddr* server

Server host

uint8_t proto

Transport protocol. IPPROTO_TCP or IPPROTO_UDP only.

sa_family_t ipversion

IPv4 or IPv6

int min_msg

Minimuim message size May be -1 (default sfnt-pingpong value will be set).

int max_msg

Maximum message size May be -1 (default sfnt-pingpong value will be set).

int min_ms

Minimum time per message size (ms) May be -1 (default value is 1000).

int max_ms

Maximum time per message size (ms) May be -1 (default value is 3000).

int min_iter

Minimum iterations for result. May be -1 (default value is 1000).

int max_iter

Maximum iterations for result. May be -1 (default value is 1000000).

bool spin

Making non-blocking calls. spin is true means timeout equal to zero.

tapi_sfnt_pp_muxer muxer

Type of iomux call. poll, epoll, select, none.

int timeout_ms

Socket SEND/RECV timeout (ms) This value pass to iomux functions as a timeout param. May be -1 (default value is -1).

te_vec* sizes

Message sizes vector. Message sizes for which performance is measured.