struct tapi_redis_srv_opt


Redis-server configuration options. More…

#include <tapi_redis_srv.h>

struct tapi_redis_srv_opt {
    // fields

    const struct sockaddr* server;
    te_bool3 protected_mode;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t tcp_backlog;
    const char* unixsocket;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t timeout;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t tcp_keepalive;
    tapi_redis_srv_loglevel loglevel;
    const char* logfile;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t databases;
    te_bool3 rdbcompression;
    te_bool3 rdbchecksum;
    te_bool3 repl_diskless_sync;
    tapi_redis_srv_rdl repl_diskless_load;
    te_bool3 appendonly;
    te_bool3 activerehashing;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t io_threads;
    te_bool3 io_threads_do_reads;
    const char* exec_path;

Detailed Documentation

Redis-server configuration options.


const struct sockaddr* server

IP and port of the server.

te_bool3 protected_mode

Layer of security protection.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t tcp_backlog

TCP listen() backlog.

const char* unixsocket

Unix socket to listen on.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t timeout

Close the connection after a client is idle for specified amount of seconds (0 to disable).

tapi_job_opt_uint_t tcp_keepalive

Use SO_KEEPALIVE to send TCP ACKs to clients (0 to disable).

tapi_redis_srv_loglevel loglevel

Server verbosity level.

const char* logfile

Log file name. Use empty string to log on the standart output.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t databases

Number of databases.

te_bool3 rdbcompression

Compress string objects when dump .rdb databases.

te_bool3 rdbchecksum

Place checksum at the end of the file.

It will lower performance (around 10%) when saving and loading RDB files.

te_bool3 repl_diskless_sync

Replication SYNC strategy: disk, if TE_BOOL3_TRUE, socket otherwise.

tapi_redis_srv_rdl repl_diskless_load

Replica can load the RDB it reads from the replication link directly from the socket, or store the RDB to a file and read that file after it was completely received from the master.

te_bool3 appendonly

Use append only file.

te_bool3 activerehashing

Use active rehashing.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t io_threads

Number of I/O threads to use.

te_bool3 io_threads_do_reads

Enable threading of reads and protocol parsing.

const char* exec_path

Path to redis-server exec (if NULL then “redis-server”).