struct tapi_memaslap_opt


memaslap specific options. More…

#include <tapi_memaslap.h>

struct tapi_memaslap_opt {
    // fields

    size_t n_servers;
    const struct sockaddr* servers[TAPI_MEMASLAP_SERVERS_MAX];
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t threads;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t concurrency;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t conn_sock;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t execute_number;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t time;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t win_size;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t fixed_size;
    tapi_job_opt_double_t verify;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t division;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t stat_freq;
    tapi_job_opt_double_t expire_verify;
    tapi_job_opt_double_t overwrite;
    bool reconnect;
    bool udp;
    bool facebook;
    bool bin_protocol;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t expected_tps;
    tapi_job_opt_uint_t rep_write;
    bool verbose;
    const char* cfg_cmd;
    tapi_memaslap_cfg_opt* cfg_opts;
    const char* memaslap_path;

Detailed Documentation

memaslap specific options.


size_t n_servers

Number of actual servers in servers.

const struct sockaddr* servers[TAPI_MEMASLAP_SERVERS_MAX]

List one or more servers to connect. Servers count must be less than threads count. e.g.: -s,localhost:11211.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t threads

Number of threads to startup.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t concurrency

The number of concurrencies memaslap runs with.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t conn_sock

Number of TCP socks per concurrency.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t execute_number

Number of operations (get and set) to execute for the given test.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t time

How long the test to run, in seconds. e.g.: time=20s.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t win_size

Task window size of each concurrency, in Kilobytes. e.g.: win_size=10k.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t fixed_size

Fixed length of value.

tapi_job_opt_double_t verify

The proportion of date verification, e.g.: verify=0.01.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t division

Number of keys to multi-get once.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t stat_freq

Frequency of dumping statistic information, in seconds. e.g.: resp_freq=10s.

tapi_job_opt_double_t expire_verify

The proportion of objects with expire time, e.g.: exp_verify=0.01. Default no object with expire time.

tapi_job_opt_double_t overwrite

The proportion of objects need overwrite, e.g.: overwrite=0.01. Default never overwrite object.

bool reconnect

Reconnect tests: when connection is closed it will be reconnected.

bool udp

UDP tests. TCP port and UDP port of server must be same.

bool facebook

Enable facebook test feature, set with TCP and multi-get with UDP.

bool bin_protocol

Enable binary protocol. Default with ASCII protocol.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t expected_tps

Expected throughput, in operations/second. e.g.: tps=10k.

tapi_job_opt_uint_t rep_write

The first n-th servers can write data, e.g.: rep_write=2.

bool verbose

Output detailed information when verification fails.

const char* cfg_cmd

Path to configuration file

tapi_memaslap_cfg_opt* cfg_opts

If not NULL, temporary configuration file will be created and filled according to fields of this structure. After job termination it will be automatically removed. cfg_cmd field is ignored and reset to NULL if this field is set.

const char* memaslap_path

Path to memaslap exec.