struct tapi_media_player


Media player access point. More…

#include <tapi_media_player.h>

struct tapi_media_player {
    // fields

    tapi_media_player_client client;
    rcf_rpc_server* rpcs;
    char* player;
    const tapi_media_player_methods* methods;
    tarpc_pid_t pid;
    int stdin;
    int stdout;
    int stderr;
    uint32_t errors[TAPI_MP_ERROR_MAX];

Detailed Documentation

Media player access point.


tapi_media_player_client client

Player client class.

rcf_rpc_server* rpcs

RPC server handle.

char* player

Player name to pass to command line.

const tapi_media_player_methods* methods

Methods to operate the player.

tarpc_pid_t pid

Player process PID.

int stdin

File descriptor to write to stdin stream.

int stdout

File descriptor to read from stdout stream.

int stderr

File descriptor to read from stderr stream.

uint32_t errors[TAPI_MP_ERROR_MAX]

Errors counters.