struct tapi_dns_unbound_app


Information of a unbound DNS server tool. More…

#include <tapi_dns_unbound.h>

struct tapi_dns_unbound_app {
    // fields

    tapi_job_t* job;
    tapi_job_channel_t* out_chs[2];
    tapi_job_channel_t* out_filter;
    tapi_job_channel_t* err_filter;
    tapi_job_channel_t* info_filter;
    char* generated_cfg_file;

Detailed Documentation

Information of a unbound DNS server tool.


tapi_job_t* job

TAPI job handle.

tapi_job_channel_t* out_chs[2]

Output channel handles.

tapi_job_channel_t* out_filter

Filter for out channel.

tapi_job_channel_t* err_filter

Filter for error messages.

tapi_job_channel_t* info_filter

Filter for debug info messages.

char* generated_cfg_file

Path to generated config file.