struct tapi_cfg_rt_params


Structure storing parameters of tapi_cfg_add_route2(). More…

#include <tapi_cfg.h>

struct tapi_cfg_rt_params {
    // fields

    const struct sockaddr* dst_addr;
    int prefix;
    const struct sockaddr* gw_addr;
    const struct sockaddr* src_addr;
    const char* dev;
    const char* type;
    uint32_t flags;
    int metric;
    int tos;
    int mtu;
    int win;
    int irtt;
    int hoplimit;
    int table;
    tapi_cfg_rt_nexthop* hops;
    unsigned int hops_num;
    int addr_family;
    const void* dst;
    const void* gw;
    const void* src;

Detailed Documentation

Structure storing parameters of tapi_cfg_add_route2().


const struct sockaddr* dst_addr

Destination address.

int prefix

Route prefix length.

const struct sockaddr* gw_addr

Gateway address.

const struct sockaddr* src_addr

Default source address.

const char* dev

Route interface.

const char* type

Route type.

uint32_t flags

Route flags.

int metric

Route metric.

int tos

Type of service.

int mtu

TCP maximum segment size (MSS) on the route.

int win

TCP window size.

int irtt

Initial round trip time for TCP connections (in milliseconds).

int hoplimit

Hop limit.

int table

Route table.

tapi_cfg_rt_nexthop* hops

Nexthops of a multipath route.

unsigned int hops_num

Number of nexthops.

int addr_family

Address family.

const void* dst

Pointer to network address (struct in_addr, struct in6_addr, etc).

const void* gw

Pointer to gateway address.

const void* src

Pointer to default source address.