struct cfg_net_t


Net description structure More…

#include <tapi_cfg_net.h>

struct cfg_net_t {
    // fields

    char* name;
    bool is_virtual;
    bool nat;
    cfg_nat_setup_t nat_setup;
    cfg_handle handle;
    te_kvpair_h gateways;
    unsigned int n_nodes;
    cfg_net_node_t* nodes;

Detailed Documentation

Net description structure


char* name

Network instance name

bool is_virtual

Is network virtual?

bool nat

Is network behind NAT?

cfg_nat_setup_t nat_setup

NAT setup procedure

cfg_handle handle

Cfg instance handle

te_kvpair_h gateways

Gateway nodes

unsigned int n_nodes

Number of nodes in the net

cfg_net_node_t* nodes

Array with net nodes