Turning on/off Rx/Tx checksum offloading.ΒΆ

Check that data can be sent or received after changing checksum offloading settings.

  1. Establish connection between a pair of sockets of type sock_type on IUT and Tester.

  2. Make sure that the tested checksum offloading is enabled.

  3. If rx_csum is TRUE, send some data from Tester to IUT, otherwise - from IUT to Tester. Receive and check the sent data.

  4. Disable the tested checksum offloading.

  5. Repeat the step with sending/receiving/checking data.

  6. Re-enable the tested checksum offloading.

  7. Repeat the step with sending/receiving/checking data.



Testing environment.


Socket type:


If TRUE, Rx checksum offloading is checked; otherwise Tx is checked.