Prove that VLAN ID alternation is done correctly
Make sure that VLAN ID alternation performed by means of sending couples of mbufs with different VLAN IDs is carried out properly
The test is to verify that PMD is able to fulfill VLAN offload properly under such circumstances like sending couples of packets with different values of 'vlan_tci' field (or without such) in the corresponding mbufs
Initialize ethdev and obtain the device information
Check if VLAN insertion offload is supported and enable it
Configure and start ethdev
Obtain the source Ethernet address
Adjust the traffic template
Adjust so-called 'send transformations' for the 1st packet
Generate mbuf(s) and the corresponding pattern for the 1st packet
Adjust so-called 'send transformations' for the 2nd packet
Generate mbuf(s) and the corresponding pattern for the 2nd packet
Construct a burst array from the two packets
Concatenate the 1st and 2nd patterns
Create an RX CSAP on the TST host according to the template
Start to capture traffic with the pattern prepared
Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side
Validate and send the burst
Receive packets on peer
Verify the number of matching packets received
template |
Traffic template |
payload_len |
Payload length, bytes |
vlan_id_first |
VLAN ID (1st packet) or |
vlan_id_second |
VLAN ID (2nd packet) or |