DPDK Poll-Mode Driver Test Suite Documentation
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Copyright 2016 - 2022 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
DPDK Poll-Mode Driver Test Suite is aimed to check certain implementation of the DPDK poll-mode driver. It uses @te_ref te as it's engine.
See Abbreviations
Find list of documentation mentioned on the References page
Parameters of tests are referred in the text using bold italic (for example, pco_iut).
Names of formal arguments of DPDK RTE API functions appear in italic (for example, addrlen).
Standard defines, elements of enumerations as well as errno values appear in monotype font (for example, AF_INET, ENOMEM).
The following setup is required to run the test suite. In theory, Test Engine may run on either Test machine or Auxiliary test machine.

Test parameters
The test suite uses extensive parametrization. Details of the XML syntax and how to read the XML that describes the parameters can be found in TE Tester documentation.
Parameter naming conventions
Name |
Description |
iut_rpcs |
DPDK-app RPC server on IUT |
iut_pci_fn |
NIC PCI function on the IUT |
iut_mac |
MAC address of the iut_pci_fn NIC |
iut_addr |
IPv4/6 unicast address allocated for IUT interface |
tst_rpcs |
RPC server on TST |
tst_if |
Network interface on TST connected to the iut_pci_fn NIC |
tst_mac |
MAC address of the tst_if |
tst_addr |
IPv4/6 unicast address assigned to the tst_if |
other_mac |
Other unicast MAC address |