default MAC address testΒΆ

Set the default MAC address

Make sure that changing the default MAC address really takes effect

  1. Initialize EAL, configure iut_port to provide 1 Rx queue and start the port

  2. Make sure that promiscuous mode is disabled.

  3. Set the default MAC address equal to iut_alien_mac.

  4. Get MAC address and compare it with iut_alien_mac.

  5. Start the Ethernet device

  6. Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side

  7. Transmit and sniff two unicast packets from tst_if: the first to the iut_alien_mac and the second to old IUT MAC.

  8. Receive packets on iut_port. Check that the first received packet matches the first sent and the second was dropped.



The state of Ethernet device