Test of Rx statisticsΒΆ

Check the correctness of Rx statistics

  1. Initialize EAL

  2. Start the Ethernet device

  3. Prepare tmpl for test

  4. Change tst_if MTU and iut_port MTU to be able to transmit or receive bigger frames if required

  5. Identify destination address: unicast, broadcast, multicast

  6. Enable all-multicast mode if it is multicast destination address

  7. If running in "speed-up" mode, await stats reappearance holding numbers valid for the previous (test) iteration in order to pick those numbers (if any) as initial ones (instead of getting zeroes) to calculate the difference

  8. Get initial Rx statistics

  9. Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side

  10. Transmit and sniff nb_pkts packets from tst_if

  11. Receive packets on iut_port and check that they match the sent ones

  12. Wait statistics update

  13. Check that general Rx statistics are correct

  14. Get extended Rx statistics

  15. Check that extended Rx statistics are correct



Traffic template


The number of packets


Payload length