Test to check device dev_reconfigureΒΆ

Reconfigure the device in stopped state and check that RSS configuration are applied and all queues could transmit packets.

  1. Check maximum number of Rx/Tx queues

  2. Prepare stopped Ethernet device using nb_rx_queue Rx queues and nb_tx_queue Tx queues

  3. Reconfigure the device using nb_rx_queue_reconf Rx queues, nb_tx_queue_reconf Tx queues and RSS configuration

  4. Setup all Rx and Tx queues if all_queues_reconf is TRUE, otherwise setup only those queues that were not setup before

  5. Start the Ethernet device

  6. Prepare templates for test using rx_tmpl and tx_tmpl

  7. Establish effective RSS hash configuration

  8. Get RSS Redirection Table. If the corresponding RPC is not supported, use default Redirection Table

  9. Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side

  10. Change templates to be sure that packets will be received on specific queues using Redirection Table and RSS hash configuration

    • Transmit and sniff packet from tst_if

  11. Receive packets on port iut_port on all Rx queues and check that received packets are on corresponding queues

  12. Prepare tx_mbufs to be sent and patterns to match it by Tx template

  13. Create Ethernet-based CSAP which starts to listen to network immediately

  14. Validate and send tx_mbufs from all queues to iut_port and make sure that all are sent

  15. Receive packets on tst_if and check that the received packet matches the sent from iut_port

  16. Check that no extra packets are received on Tester

  17. Check that number of received packets equal to sent

Roman Zhukov Roman.Zhukov@oktetlabs.ru



Rx traffic template


Tx traffic template


The number of Rx queues


The number of Tx queues


The number of Rx queues after reconfiguring


The number of Tx queues after reconfiguring


Re-setup all Rx and Tx queues if TRUE, otherwise only new queues