All-multicast mode test
Check correct work of all-multicast mode
Checking the correct work of all-multicast mode by sending several packets with different MAC addresses.
Initialize EAL, preparing of ethdev_state Ethernet device state
Make sure that promiscuous mode is disabled
If the is_all_mcast_mode is
then enable all-multicast mode, otherwise disable itStart the Ethernet device
Check that a new mode was saved after start of device
Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side
Transmit three packets from tst_if: the first is broadcast, the second is multicast and the third is unicast, with MAC adrress is different from MAC address of the iut_port
Receive packets on port iut_port. Check that the first received packet matches the first sent, the second received packet matches the first sent, if is_all_mcast_mode is
, otherwise it was dropped and the third packet was dropped.
ethdev_state |
The state of Ethernet device |
is_all_mcast_mode |
Enable all-multicast if |