Check RTE flow API rules with VLAN tag pushΒΆ

Check that flow API VLAN tag push action is carried out correctly

  1. Prepare TEST_ETHDEV_STARTED state

  2. Make flow rule attributes

  3. Make flow rule pattern by flow_rule_pattern

  4. Make flow rule actions with VLAN push and set VLAN ID actions

  5. Add flow rule action "count" for counter query

  6. Validate and create the flow rule

  7. Fill required fields in the template

  8. Initiate a packet transfer with VLAN push transformations

  9. Send a packet, receive it the other side and match packet to transformed pattern



Flow rule pattern


Test flow rule ingress if TRUE, egress if FALSE


Ethertype of the first VLAN tag to be pushed


Ethertype of the second VLAN tag to be pushed, 0 means do not push the second VLAN tag


VLAN ID of the first VLAN tag to be pushed, negative value means not specified


VLAN ID of the second VLAN tag to be pushed, negative value means not specified


Count packets if TRUE