Check RTE flow API rules implying encapsulation actions on egressΒΆ

Check that flow API encap action on egress is carried out correctly

  1. Prepare TEST_ETHDEV_STARTED state

  2. Initiate DPDK and net transceivers

  3. Make flow rule attributes with "egress" and "transfer"

  4. Make flow rule pattern by flow_rule_pattern

  5. Make flow rule actions with encapsulation action

  6. Add flow rule action "count" for counter query

  7. Add flow rule fate action, "REPRESENTED_PORT"

  8. Validate and create the flow rule

  9. Fill required fields in non-encapsulated template

  10. Make template and pattern with encapsulation header

  11. Specify the transformations of non-encapsulated template and pattern

  12. Commit transfer of a packet from one transceiver to another and match the received packet



Flow rule pattern


Header of encapsulated packet


Type of tunnel


Count encapsulated packets if TRUE