.. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 (c) Copyright 2021 - 2022 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. .. toctree:: :hidden: generated/rst/group_net_drv_tests.rst generated/rst/group_arg_types.rst dox_resources/terminology.rst dox_resources/refs.rst dox_resources/internal.rst Net Driver Test Suite Documentation ============================================== .. contents:: Table of Contents ------------ Introduction ------------ Net Driver Test Suite is aimed to check certain implementation of an Ethernet NIC driver. It uses TE as its engine. See :ref:`Abbreviations` ---------- References ---------- Find list of documentation mentioned on the :ref:`References page` ----------- Conventions ----------- Parameters of tests are referred in the text using bold italic (for example, **iut_rpcs**). Standard defines, elements of enumerations as well as **errno** values appear in monotype font (for example, `AF_INET`, `ENOMEM`). ------- Testbed ------- The following setup is required to run the test suite. In theory, Test Engine may run on either Test machine or Auxiliary test machine. .. image:: dox_resources/images/testbed.png :alt: Testbed Topology --------------- Test parameters --------------- The test suite uses extensive parametrization. Details of the XML syntax and how to read the XML that describes the parameters can be found in `TE Tester`_ documentation. **************************** Parameter naming conventions **************************** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description * - iut_rpcs - RPC server on IUT * - iut_if - Network interface on the IUT * - iut_mac - MAC address of the **iut_if** * - iut_addr - IPv4/6 unicast address allocated for IUT interface * - tst_rpcs - RPC server on TST * - tst_if - Network interface on TST connected to the **iut_if** * - tst_mac - MAC address of the **tst_if** * - tst_addr - IPv4/6 unicast address assigned to the **tst_if** * - other_mac - Other unicast MAC address -------------------- Test Suite Structure -------------------- * :ref:`Tests ` ******** TRC Tags ******** List of TRC tags can be found on the :ref:`corresponding page`. ******************** Tester Requirements ******************** List of Tester requirements can be found on the :ref:`corresponding page`.