.. index:: pair: group; Use ptp4l to synchronize clocks .. _doxid-group__ptp-ptp4l: Use ptp4l to synchronize clocks =============================== .. toctree:: :hidden: Check that ptp4l can be used to synchronize clocks across network. #. Find out PTP device associated with the IUT interface, call **open()** to get its FD. #. Find out PTP device associated with the Tester interface, call **open()** to get its FD. #. Check that **ptp4l** is available on IUT and Tester. #. Disable **NTP** daemon on IUT and Tester. #. Use **clock_settime()** on IUT and Tester to set different initial values for IUT and Tester clocks. #. Run **ptp4l** as master on Tester. #. Run **ptp4l** as slave on IUT. #. Wait for a while and terminate **ptp4l** on IUT and Tester. #. Check whether anything was printed to stderr on IUT. #. Obtain current time on the IUT clock and on the Tester clock, check that obtained values are (approximately) equal. .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - env - Testing environment: * :ref:`env.peer2peer `