.. index:: pair: group; ping tool .. _doxid-group__basic-ping: ping tool ========= .. toctree:: :hidden: Check that **ping** tool can ping Tester address from IUT. Scenarios: X3-ST07. #. Start **ping** tool on IUT to ping Tester address. Send **packets** ping packets with **data_size** bytes of payload, waiting for **interval** seconds between them. #. Wait until the tool terminates. #. Check that the number of transmitted packets equals to the number of received packets in **ping** tool report. Dmitry Izbitsky `Dmitry.Izbitsky@oktetlabs.ru `__ .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - env - Testing environment: * :ref:`env.peer2peer ` * :ref:`env.peer2peer_ipv6 ` * - packets - Number of ping packets to send. * - data_size - Number of payload bytes in a ping packet. * - interval - Number of seconds to wait between sending ping packets.