.. index:: pair: group; Check extended statistics retrieval by IDs .. _doxid-group__usecases-xstats__by__id: Check extended statistics retrieval by IDs ========================================== .. toctree:: :hidden: group_usecases-xstats_by_id-run.rst Verify that xstat names and values could be retrieved by IDs The test makes sure that extended statistics retrieval by ID is correct #. Prepare ``TEST_ETHDEV_STARTED`` state #. Cook traffic template #. Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side #. Sent a couple of packets to IUT in order to guarantee at least a handful of non-zero xstat figures #. Receive packets on **iut_port** and check that they match the sent ones #. Obtain trustworthy xstats for comparison by means of the old API #. Find non-zero xstats, remember their indices and IDs #. Check that correct number of xstat names could be obtained if neither IDs are specified nor output buffer is provided #. Check that the same list of xstat names could be retrieved if no exact IDs are specified #. Check that xstat names queried by IDs of non-zero xstats are the same as the corresponding names from the trustworthy list #. Check that correct number of xstat values could be obtained if neither IDs are specified nor output buffer is provided #. Check that the same list of xstat values could be retrieved if no exact IDs are specified #. Check that xstat values queried by IDs of non-zero xstats are the same as the corresponding values from the trustworthy list .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - template - Traffic template | :ref:`xstats_by_id`