.. index:: pair: group; TX burst simple test .. _doxid-group__usecases-tx__burst__simple: TX burst simple test ==================== .. toctree:: :hidden: group_usecases-tx_burst_simple-run.rst Transmit packets using **tmpl** from the TX queue Make sure that packets sent from the TX queue successfully received by iut_port #. Initialize EAL, preparing of configured Ethernet device state #. Prepare mbufs to be sent and pattern to match it by **tmpl** #. Find out required MTU #. Adjust MTU on both ends #. Prepare started Ethernet device state #. Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side #. Validate and send the mbufs to **iut_port** Make sure that all are sent #. Receive packet on **tst_if** Check that the received packets matches the sent one from **iut_port** #. Check that no extra packets are received on Tester #. Check that number of received packets equal to sent .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - tmpl - Traffic template * - nb_pkts - Number of packets for sending * - payload_len - Length of payload | :ref:`tx_burst_simple`