.. index:: pair: group; Check tunnel UDP port configuration .. _doxid-group__usecases-tunnel__udp__port__config: Check tunnel UDP port configuration =================================== .. toctree:: :hidden: group_usecases-tunnel_udp_port_config-run.rst Check that tunnel UDP port could be added and deleted correctly The test confirms that tunnel UDP port configuration interface is reliable #. Prepare **ethdev_state** state #. Check that 'add' operation is available #. Check that 'delete' operation is available #. Add a handful of entries #. Make sure that existing entry duplicate is rejected #. Delete existing entries #. Make sure that an attempt to delete a nonexistent entry fails .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - ethdev_state - Ethernet device state * - tunnel_type - Tunnel type * - nb_entries - The number of UDP port entries | :ref:`tunnel_udp_port_config`