.. index:: pair: group; Test of statistics reset .. _doxid-group__usecases-stats__reset: Test of statistics reset ======================== .. toctree:: :hidden: group_usecases-stats_reset-run.rst Check the correctness of statistics reset #. Initialize EAL #. Start the Ethernet device #. Prepare **tmpl** for test #. Change **tst_if** MTU and **iut_port** MTU to be able to transmit or receive bigger frames if required #. If running in "speed-up" mode, await stats reappearance holding numbers valid for the previous (test) iteration in order to pick those numbers (if any) as initial ones (instead of getting zeroes) to calculate the difference #. Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side #. Transmit and sniff **nb_pkts** packets from **tst_if** #. Receive packets on **iut_port** and check that they match the sent ones #. Wait statistics update #. Check that general statistics are correct #. Check that extended statistics are correct #. Reset general stats statistics #. Check that general statistics are correct #. Reset extended stats statistics #. Check that extended statistics are correct .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - tmpl - Traffic template * - nb_pkts - The number of packets * - payload_len - Payload length | :ref:`stats_reset`