.. index:: pair: group; Test Rx interrupts .. _doxid-group__usecases-rx__intr: Test Rx interrupts ================== .. toctree:: :hidden: group_usecases-rx_intr-run.rst The test requests Rx queue interrupts on device configuration then checks that Rx interrupts are triggered when enabled #. Prepare initialized Ethernet device state #. Perform device configuration with Rx queue interrupt enabled #. Start the device #. Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side #. Prepare the packet template * Enable interrupt on the target Rx queue * Bind interrupt caused by the target queue to a per-thread Epoll file descriptor * Disable Rx interrupt on the target Rx queue * Transmit and sniff a packet * Check that the packet is received on the target queue * Check that interrupt was caused or not .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - tmpl - Traffic template | :ref:`rx_intr`