.. index:: pair: group; Check Rx descriptor status correctness .. _doxid-group__usecases-rx__descriptor__status: Check Rx descriptor status correctness ====================================== .. toctree:: :hidden: group_usecases-rx_descriptor_status-run.rst Prove that Rx descriptor status callback readings are consistent The test is to confirm that Rx descriptor status callback provides accurate readings with respect to certain descriptors in the Rx ring under different circumstances (descriptors made available to the HW for packet reception, descriptors filled by the HW and not yet processed, descriptors captured by Rx burst operation) and in case of reserved entries #. Prepare ``TEST_ETHDEV_CONFIGURED`` state #. Setup Rx queue with the highest free threshold possible #. Prepare ``TEST_ETHDEV_STARTED`` state #. Check that the first descriptor is exposed to the HW #. Check that the last usable descriptor is exposed to the HW #. Verify reserved descriptors (if any) #. Check that non-existing descriptor status retrieval is rejected #. Cook traffic template #. Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side #. Send one packet to IUT #. Check that the first descriptor is done #. Grab the packet from the ring #. Check that the first descriptor is now exposed to the HW #. Check that the last usable descriptor is now hold by the driver .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - template - Traffic template | :ref:`rx_descriptor_status`