.. index:: pair: group; Get RSS hash info test .. _doxid-group__usecases-rss__hash__info: Get RSS hash info test ====================== .. toctree:: :hidden: group_usecases-rss_hash_info-run.rst Test checks that ethdev writes right rss hash info to the packet #. Prepare **ethdev_state** Ethernet device state for test using **nb_rx_queues** queues for set up a receive queue #. Prepare TEST_ETHDEV_INITIALIZED state #. Check maximum number of Rx queues #. Prepare desired RSS hash configuration #. Prepare TEST_ETHDEV_STARTED state #. Establish effective RSS hash configuration #. Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side #. Transmit and sniff one packet from **tst_if** to the **iut_port** #. Receive packets on port **iut_port** #. Check that the recieved packet matches the sent #. Given the traffic template, anticipate RSS hash value #. Check that the packet has RSS offload flag set #. Validate RSS hash value available from the mbuf .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - enable_offload - Toggle for RSS hash offload * - nb_rx_queues - The number of RX queues | :ref:`rss_hash_info`