.. index:: pair: group; IO forward + flow rule check .. _doxid-group__usecases-io__forward__and__drop: IO forward + flow rule check ============================ .. toctree:: :hidden: Check that IO-forwarded packets do not erroneously bypass the flow engine #. Prepare state TEST_ETHDEV_INITIALIZED #. Prepare state TEST_ETHDEV_STARTED #. Prepare **rx_tmpl** and **tx_tmpl** for test #. Enable promiscuous mode on IUT #. Ensure that interface is UP on Tester side #. Send packet from TST to IUT and recieve it #. Check received packets #. Check the number of received and matching packets #. Create "drop" and "count" rules * Set action * Set pattern #. Validate and create the flow rule #. Send packet back from IUT to TST and ensure that the packet is unseen on TST #. Wait packet on TST side, hope not to find it #. Make sure the hit count reads 1 .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - rx_tmpl - Traffic template to be sent from Tester and received on IUT * - tx_tmpl - Traffic template to be sent from IUT and received on Tester * - flow_rule_pattern - Flow rule pattern