.. index:: pair: group; Set new status of the Ethernet link flow .. _doxid-group__usecases-flow__ctrl__set: Set new status of the Ethernet link flow ======================================== .. toctree:: :hidden: control test Set new status of the Ethernet link flow control for Ethernet device Make sure that it is possible to set new status of the Ethernet link flow control #. Initialize EAL, prepare **ethdev_state** Ethernet device state #. Get current flow control settings on port **iut_port** #. Set new flow control settings on port **iut_port** #. Get flow control settings #. Compare flow control settings with written ones #. If device is already started, stop it #. Start the device to check settings once again #. Get flow control settings once again #. Compare obtained flow control settings vs previously obtained .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - ethdev_state - The state of Ethernet device * - fc_mode - The Flow Control mode of Ethernet device * - fc_conf_elem - The Flow Control configuration element of Ethernet device to iterate