.. index:: pair: group; Check custom RSS settings at start of day .. _doxid-group__usecases-dev__conf__rss__adv: Check custom RSS settings at start of day ========================================= .. toctree:: :hidden: group_usecases-dev_conf_rss_adv-run.rst Check that RSS settings may be customised on configuration step Check that one can customise RSS HF and key on port configuration stage by forwarding advertised RSS capabilities to the configuration API. Make sure that wrong HF combination or RSS key size cannot be accepted by the driver. #. Initialise the port in order to obtain advertised capabilities #. Prepare default configuration draft #. Select multi-queue mode and prepare a dummy buffer for RSS key #. Make sure that correct configuration is not rejected #. Make sure that it is possible to start the device #. Attempt to use unsupported RSS HF #. Attempt to use RSS key of unsupported size #. Make sure that if an invalid configuration is accepted, device start will fail | :ref:`dev_conf_rss_adv`